Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Contact Me!

Hey guys, I know I haven't been updating this blog at all. Like.No joke. Not once. And I've gotten a ton of messages on that, so I'm trying to keep this updated. So, when I can't do a video, I'll just try to post stuff here- like reviews, swatches, raves, etc. OK. Anyways, here is my CONTACT INFORMATION:
You can reach me at...
-My youtube email address:
= originalsince95@gmail.com
-My youtube account (send me a message!)
= http://www.youtube.com/user/muchoxhearts
= http://twitter.com/muchoxhearts
Ya, that's about it. I'll be trying to make videos very very soon! <3>

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hey guys! Welcome to my blog! Here I'll just be posting random tid-bits about makeup, swatches, quick reviews/raves, outfit of the days (it's easier just to do it here other then my youtube account), and more. Click "follow" and get updated when I post something new! You don't have to make a blogspot account, just enter your e-mail adress! Thanks guys! I'll be posting things soon =]